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Anyone who knows us knows that Mikerphone LOVES music! It’s pretty much our Mission Statement…Craft Beer Inspired by Music! So when our friend Pete Madler brought up displaying some of his DEEP collection of Amazing Concert Poster Art: we jumped at the opportunity!

Last year we had an awesome event featuring some of the biggest hitters in the Chicago Concert Poster industry showcasing their art here at the brewery. We called it “State of the Art”. It was Art and the Artists, a Beer Collab with Hop Butcher, Live Music and Pete had loaned us a number of prints from his personal collection to display in our Blue Room. It looked seriously BADASS so why not do it again? Pete has graciously agreed to loan us some of his collection to display again for our Anniversary Month and we’re doing an Opening Night Event here on Saturday March 1st!

Excited to welcome back DJ Meteor (one of our 4 SOTA Artists from last year) to spin records (yes! actual RECORDS!) for the opening event and give some sounds to the artwork. He’s got a DEEP bin of classic records full of B-Sides and Deep Cuts as well as familiar classics from the 80s and 90s that will hit you right in the feels.

And of course, it wouldn’t be a Mikerphone Party without all the delicious BEER that we’ve got! We’ll have over 30 diverse and delectable Beer Styles available (as well as several non-beer options for your friends that can’t admit they like beer yet.).

Mark your calendars for Deep Cuts & Hang Ups: the Opening Night Event for our Anniversary Month Art Display!

FOOD by the Pierogi Rig!